1. Summary

RS WORKSHOP is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Hong Kong laws on personal data (privacy) and internationally recognized personal data privacy protection policies.

2. Collection and use of personal data

(i) Anyone who registers to use this car website service, participates in promotional programs or prize games must voluntarily provide personal information. Personal information may include but not limited to the following information

a, username

b, Contact address

c, Telephone, pager, or fax number

d, e-mail

e, address identification

f, Transaction records

g, Bank account number and name of head of household

h, Credit card number, bank name and credit card expiration date

i, Other relevant information (please read the relevant registration form)

Based on this privacy protection policy statement, our company sincerely invites you to provide personal information. The use of the above information will be displayed on the screen of this website, and the personal information you provide will only be used for the above personal information. Unless permitted or required by law, we will not use your personal data without your prior consent.

(ii) Our company will not collect your personal data when you browse this website. When you browse this website, this website will only collect your browsing records and network address (IP address), and will not collect your personal information. The collection of visit counts is used to evaluate the daily number of visits to this website. The relevant information is only used for statistical purposes of website usage.

(iii) As you browse the website, we may collect information about your use of the website in the form of stored cookies. "Cookies" are small text files sent from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. When using the registered member service, you may need to accept cookies, otherwise the function may not be enabled. The information collected by cookies is only used for website analysis to analyze your likes and dislikes on this website, and will not be provided to third parties.

(iv) Client advertisements placed on our website may store cookies on your computer. Client companies will protect their privacy in accordance with their own privacy policies, rights and obligations not contained in this policy.

3. Security of Personal Data

After this website receives your personal information, this website system will immediately save it and keep it confidential. Only authorized and trained employees should have access to this information. We will also ensure that employees abide by the ethical code of personal data security and confidentiality.

4. Transfer of personal data

Your personal information will be kept confidential, but your personal information may be transferred to the following units

: the relevant bank of the payment;

b. Other personnel and organizations engaged in data security work;

c. Obtain the licenses and locations required by law;

d. Third parties who provide services to the company. However, the transfer of such personal data must be used for the above purposes and related to the company's business operations, and in compliance with regulations.

5. Notice of use of personal information and direct marketing

The Company intends to use customer data for direct marketing purposes, for which the consent (including an expression of no objection) of the data subject must be obtained. In this regard, please note the following: The Company may use customer personal data (including telephone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses and service usage information) held by the Company from time to time for direct marketing; it may be used to promote the following categories of products, Service and promotional purposes: automobiles, automobile-related products and services; incentive or discount programs; updates on various products or services of our business partners, including banking, education, entertainment, insurance, media and social networking, real estate, retail products and Services (clothing, department stores, electronics, restaurants, health and beauty, hotels, home, jewelry, shopping malls), telecommunications network products and services), transportation and travel; donations and donations for charitable and/or non-profit purposes. If the customer does not want the company to use his data for the above-mentioned direct marketing, the customer can notify the company to exercise the option to refuse the promotion. If you do not want your personal data to be used for promotional purposes, please email rs.workshop.ltd.cs@gmail.com. If the customer does not want the company to use his data for the above-mentioned direct marketing, the customer can notify the company to exercise the option to refuse the promotion. If you do not want your personal data to be used for promotional purposes, please email rs.workshop.ltd.cs@gmail.com. If the customer does not want the company to use his data for the above-mentioned direct marketing, the customer can notify the company to exercise the option to refuse the promotion. If you do not want your personal data to be used for promotional purposes, please email rs.workshop.ltd.cs@gmail.com.

6. Accessing and changing personal data

Subject to this Privacy Policy Statement, you have the right to investigate the use of your personal information, to request a copy of your personal information, and to correct any inaccurate information. If you need to access and modify your personal information, please email rs.workshop.ltd.cs@gmail.com.

7. Retention of personal data

The Company will only retain personal data until the personal data is reasonably rendered useless.

8. Access to personal data

If you have any questions about the company's personal data and privacy policy, or want to view and change personal data, please email to rs.workshop.ltd.cs@gmail.com.

9. change

The Company may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Relevant amendments will take effect immediately upon publication on our website (https://rsworkshop.com.hk)

If there is any discrepancy or ambiguity between the traditional Chinese and English versions, the traditional Chinese version shall prevail. The company "RS WORKSHOP" will modify the above terms and conditions from time to time without notice. In case of any dispute, the company reserves the right of final decision.

Revision date: March 1, 2023